this is the cutting edge of web design



You probably know me as... well, my username or one of my nicknames (Cutty / Amelia). Although, if you don't know me, I'm not entirely sure why you're here. Anyway, if you want a description of who I am, uhhh... I'm introverted, have anger issues, am generally kinda weird but I try to be nice to people. I also have some.. unconventional interests, but I go more into that elsewhere.

Uhh, if you want some very basic information then: I'm 15, Female, Bi, Trans, Pronouns are She/Her !!!

I do a fair few things, althought admitedly I rarely finish any of it. But yeah, I do art, music, writing, and programming. Right now, I'm working on a big fiction thingy that'll probably end up in the form of a webcomic. It's basically a connected universe of all my other "works" of fiction, so that's cool. My main interests are probably Maths, Mario, Idle Games, Rhythm Games, and [insert list of YouTubers]. Again, though, I go more into that ELSEWHERE.

Uhh, go click one of the links at the top I guess !!!

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YouTube: @CuttingEdge2763

Scratch: -Cutting_Edge-

Discord: cut_edge

Cohost: @CuttingEdge